Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thank You Parents

I just wanted to take a moment to thank each of you for taking time out of your busy lives to come spend an hour with your child at school. We had a wonderful turn out for the Student Led Conferences this week! I hope you enjoyed the time just half as much as your child. :-) They have all been so excited for this opportunity to show you what they have been doing at school. I thank you, and more importantly, your children thank you!

A big Shout Out to the Following October Apple Winners:
Red-Academic Apples: Logan and Jayden
Yellow-Improvement Apples: Gloria and Emma
Orange-Behavior Apples: Nicholas and Claire
Green-Teamwork Apples: Caleb and Isaac

Up-coming News: We will be beginning a big "addition and subtraction" unit in math. This unit will take up all of November. Be asking about "strategies" to help us add and subtract.

In writing, we will be starting to organize our thoughts into a good sequence for a story. Then we can begin to think about writing a good beginning and using good "juicy" detailed words. We, of course, will continue to focus on using good conventions (Capital letters, punctuation, and sounds in a word).

Finally, we will be combining some math and science skills as we study, measure, and explore pumpkins.

Thanks again for supporting your child, and have a great weekend.

Mrs. Newman

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