Monday, February 22, 2010


I would like to welcome 3 new students to our class; Malachi, T.J., and Jeremy. All 3 boys have joined our class in the last few weeks. Welcome boys, and we are glad you are at WOHE!

We have been working hard over the month of February. Here are a few of the items we are working on: reading fluently at our levels, decoding and self checking our selves as we read, writing stories with a beginning, middle, and an end instead of just "list-type" stories, peer editing after we write, counting money, and adding and subtracting quickly and accurately.

Don't forget next Wednesday, March 3rd is the monthly Tiger Pride Assembly at 2:30. All parents are welcome to come attend our assemblies. I will hopefully send out the Apple Award notes the day before so you would know ahead of time if your child will get to stand for recognition.

Last month's the Apple Awards went to these students:
Green/Team work Apples-Hailey and Lucas
Red/Academic Apples-Taylor and Oscar
Yellow/Improvement Apples-Dominic and Mari
Orange/Character Apples-Anjelo and Brennen
Congratulations to all and great job on all of your hard work!

Thank you to Evan and R.J.'s parents for sending in glue bottles for the classroom. We could still use a few more bottles if you are able to send one. We could also use some ziplock type storage bags in all sizes. We are running very low. Thanks!

We have started a new system in our class for behavior. This time of year seems to be a hard time to keep using our self control, so I have tried to help the students with this. We have a clipboard with a list of names on it. If a student is having trouble following a rule, so therefore having trouble learning and possibly interrupting others learning, then that student goes to visit the clipboard. He/she puts an X by their name. The first X is the warning. This allows the student to realize that they have made a mistake, but they have time to fix that problem without any consequences. However, if a student has to visit the clipboard again in that day, then they must write a note home to you explaining what their problem was. The students do the writing, so hopefully they are thinking about their choices as they write and also as they show the note to you. Please talk to your child about their note, sign in and then send it back the next day.

Finally, I am long overdue in sending a Thank You on the blog to Mr. Higgins. Mr. Higgins is Kaylee's dad. He is working on security over in Afghanistan as a civilian contractor, and he was nice enough to come talk to the class when he was home for a couple of weeks over the holidays. He came in, brought many gifts for the students, and answered many questions. The children loved the visit! Thank you, Mr. Higgins.