Monday, April 20, 2009

Counseling Survey

Dear Parents,

The State of Missouri Department of Education requires each district to do a counseling survey every 3 years. There is a link, for parents, to get to the survey on our schools home page. Just complete the teacher/parent survey. It will only take 5-10 minutes, very short!! You will be recieving a letter from Mrs. Woodall explaining this survey.

Thank you.

Our Field Trip is Coming!

Field Trip

Just a reminder, tomorrow (Friday 17th) is our 1st grade field trip to the puppet theater in Marshfield. We will have a picnic at the park afterwards, so dress your child appropriately. Also remember to send your child with a lunch and a drink unless you signed up to purchase a sack lunch from school. Finally, don’t be late to school :) We are planning on leaving around 9:00 to go have a wonderful time learning about puppets!


Mark your calendars now for this family event that always proves to be a lot of fun! Join us on May 1st for dinner, a student art show, 4th grade STOMP performance and more! Of course the highlights of the evening will be the BOX TOP CHALLENGE and the BASKET AUCTIONS! The book fair will be open in the library as well! Be on the look out for more details to come soon.

Ask your child about….

Our mixed up week because of the MAP test, how we helped encourage Mrs. Hall’s 4th graders, the great MAP assembly on Monday, and our MAP cheer tunnel, also ask about...Click, Clack Moo, Cows That Type, writing letters to Farmer Brown, reading our Spring Break stories to the class, deciding if things are certain or impossible.

Practice, Practice, Practice...

Counting coins up to 50 cents, the list of sight words, reading fluently, asking and answering questions after a book is read.

Dates to Remember...

April 17th—Field Trip
April 24th—Principal Miller reads on the roof all day! : )
May 1st—East Extravaganza and Tiger Pride Assembly
May 12– Field Day (let me know if you would like to volunteer to help)
May 22– Last Day

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter!


I had a mistake on the April Helper calendar that came home at the first of the month. I listed our snow make up day and our day off incorrectly. We will not have school tomorrow, Friday, April 10; but we do have school on Monday, April 13th. Sorry for any confusion.


Mark your calendars now for this family event that always proves to be a lot of fun! Join us on May 1st for dinner, a student art show, 4th grade STOMP performance and more! Of course the highlights of the evening will be the BOX TOP CHALLENGE and the BASKET AUCTIONS! The book fair will be open in the library as well! Be on the look out for more details to come soon.

Don’t Forget…

Field trip permission slips were due today. If you haven’t sent your child’s yet, please send it on Monday.

Ask your child about….

Our fun partner day, The MAP Cheer, writing encouraging notes to Mrs. Hall’s 4th grade class for the MAP test, the /ch/ sound, how good readers wonder about things while they are reading, measuring, finding the perimeter, what the area measures, weighing with scales, finding how much something holds, sinking and floating, and thermometers.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Counting coins up to 50 cents, the list of sight words, reading fluently, asking and answering questions after a book is read.
Enjoy the 3 day Easter weekend. Don't eat too many jelly beans!!

Big News

Fiddler, No, Principal On the Roof

Mrs. Miller has set Friday, April 24 as the day she will sit on the roof reading with purple hair. The last money amount I heard from the Read-a-Thon was $5300. Great Job! Plan on stopping by the school on the 24th to wave at Mrs. Miller.

End of the Year

As we get close to the end of the year, we are really working hard on reading fluently, comprehending what we are reading, writing sequenced stories , using capitals and punctuation correctly, adding and subtracting quickly, counting money, and understanding the calendar. Thank you as always for all the extra help and practice you give your child at home. If we all work together, great things happen.

Ask your child about...

Measuring with blocks, paper clips, inches, and feet, what we did with the 3 types of matter, the Tiger Pride assembly, taking turns adding onto our book retelling (hoping not to be the last name called), beginning to write our sequence story all about spring break, our poem "What Can You Do?", the sounds -er, -ir, -ur, -ar, and -or make.