Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

We have had a fun "Almost" Valentine's Day at school. We had a great party! Thank you to all the moms who sent items and/or came to help; and a big thank you to Mrs. White for coordinating all of our parties this year.

I have an exciting opportunity to tell you about. The teachers of Willard East have decided to try something new this year. We will be offering spring parent-teacher conferences in a couple of weeks to discuss your child's progress and any concerns or questions you may have. You may request a conference with me or I may request a conference with you. The teachers will be individually selecting a night to hold our conferences. I have chosen March 19th as the night I will be available to have a conference with those that would like it. Here are the times I have available.



Please fill free to contact me at school (742-4639) or ( to pick a time for a conference. This is a great new way to share with you the progress your child has made in first grade.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Valentine's Day is coming!

February is a month of friendship and fun. We will be having our Valentine's Day party at school on Friday the 13th (oohh). We are going to have a lunch time party. We will begin our party at 11:00 with a craft or game activity, then at 11:30 we will eat pizza in the room. As always, all parents are invited (however, to help in the pizza ordering, I am asking the parents to not expect to eat pizza). We are asking each child to bring in $2 to help with the cost of the pizza. We will also, of course, be passing out Valentine cards to our friends. Each child can decorate a box or bag to collect their cards in. You may get as involved and creative as you and your child would like. I am asking that the boxes not be brought in until the day of the party. We just don't have space in the room to store these. And finally, each child should make, or purchase, cards to pass out to their friends. I have included a list of first name here in the website and I will also be sending home a list. I ask that your child does the work of writing the names on the cards. This is good handwriting practice (and we have a small class this year).

Class List: Braden, Brandon, Darrell, Jacob, Katie, Matti, Neely, Nicholas, Paige, Paul, Savanah, Taylor, Wyatt

GREAT JOB: I want to take just a moment to brag on the students. We are just about to meet our 6th reading goal this year. I am so impressed with all of the reading that you and your child are doing at home!! It is not just a couple students who are bring in the reading records for us to get to our goals. It is just about everyone. During the last few weeks, I have had reading records brought in from 11 of the 13 children!! Thank you so much for helping at home!!!!!! I appreciate it and I know your child does. :)

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, Feb. 6th- Hats on for Community Service
Friday, Feb. 13th- Valentine's Party
Monday, Feb. 16th- Snow make up day
Monday, Mar. 23rd-Snow make up day
Monday, Apr. 13th- Snow make up day