Monday, May 18, 2009

End of the Year and Summer Information

Summer Office Hours – Ms. Betty and Nikki will be in the office answering phones until Wednesday June 3rd. The office will re-open for business July 21st.

New Student Enrollment = If you have a new neighbor, the new student enrollment dates are: July 29th – 30th

Next Year's Class Lists will be posted Friday August 5th. (Usually August 1st but it falls on a Saturday.) I will also put this in my report card newsletter.

Meet the Teacher Night = Thursday, August 13th from 6:00-8:00 pm

1st Day of School = Tuesday, August 18th :)

2009-2010 Theme – Together East Achieves More (Sports theme)

Friday, May 15, 2009

Lots of Information!

It is the end of the school year and there are lots of things happening:

I have scheduled our banana split celebration for next Tuesday or Wednesday. We have passed all of our tests and the children are very excited! Thank you for working with your child at home on addition and subtraction accuracy and fluency. This is also a great thing to continue working on over the summer to prepare for 2nd grade! All of the items have been spoken for. Thank you for helping supply the items. The kids can’t wait, and have been working so hard toward this goal!

We are only 7 reading records away from our last reading celebration of the year. The students have challenged each other to bring in one reading record a piece on Monday! Please help remind your child to read and record the books this weekend. And, don’t forget to continue reading over the summer. The children have worked so hard on their reading skills, we don’t want them to slide back over the summer.

Last Day of School
Please notice that our last day of school, May 22nd, is an early-out day. School will be dismissed at 12:30 that day. Also remember your child will need to bring a sack lunch and a drink for our school-wide end of year picnic on the 22nd! We have had an amazing school year and I can’t believe it is almost over! Please plan on coming around 11:15ish, if you are available, to eat lunch with us before we leave for the summer.

Join us for our end of the year tiger pride assembly next Thursday, May 21st at 2:30. Hope to see you there!

Please make sure that your child has returned all library books and payed all lunch fines so that I will be able to send home their progress reports on the last day of school. I know that you will be pleased with the progress your child has made!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wind, wind, and more wind :-)

We have had just a little bit of wind lately :), but we have managed to make the best of it! I wanted to take just a moment to brag on your children. First of all, last Friday was an interesting day to say the least, but all of the children handled it exceptionally well! I was very proud of them. Secondly, today's field day and picnic was just a little windy also; we had fun looking hair, chilly arms, and had to chase our food, but the children once again made me proud. Everyone just focused on having fun and didn't worry about who did the best. It was a great day! Thanks again for sending me such wonderful children this year!!!

Now for the news:

Addititon Banana Split Challenge:
We are getting very excited about our banana splits. So far, we have earned a bowl, spoon, a banana, 2 scoops of ice cream, chocolate topping, and sprinkles. We are trying today for our second flavor of topping; and then we will work for whipped cream and a cherry. The students are doing very well on the test. We have only had to take one test over the second time. Thank you to all that have volunteered to bring in supplies, also. I believe we have everything spoken for except the two toppings. I very much appreciate everyone's willingness to help.

We are going to bring our field trip to life! We saw how to make many different kinds of puppets on our field trip; now we are hoping to make puppets next week, write puppet scripts for them, and then perform our scripts in class. It will be a fun way to use our writing and reading skills we have worked so hard on this year.


Comparing and contrasting two Goldiocks stories and the characters in Frederick, adding 2-digit numbers, working on our addition banana split challenge, our last reading celebration (we are only 16 reading records away), our walking field trip to the high school to watch a drama production.

Have a great rest of the week!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wow! The year is quickly winding down!

Last Friday
Last Friday was a very eventful day with Hats on for Community Service, Tiger Pride Assembly, and of course the East Extravaganza! Thank you to all of you that came out to support our school!
Walking Field Trip
We will be walking to the High School on Wednesday, May 6th to see a production by the theater department. Please make sure to have your child wear tennis shoes on this day and dress for the weather
Field Day
Field Day is on Tuesday, May 12 (rain date of the 19th). Here are a few thoughts and reminders:
*Wear tennis shoes and play clothes.
*Our time is 9:00-11:00
*Bring a jacket if the morning is chilly.
*You can send a change of clothes if you think your child might like the water games :)
*Let me know if you would like Coach Wise to put you to work. She does still need volunteers!
*We will have a picnic lunch, so each child needs to bring a lunch and a drink from home.
*Think about applying sunscreen before you send your child to school.

Banana Split Math
Our banana split addition tests are going very well. So far we have earned: a bowl, a spoon, a banana, and sprinkles. We took our test for the first scoop of ice cream today (I haven’t had a chance to check them yet).

If you would like to help out with supplies, just let me know. So far, I have cherries and sprinkles donated. We will be eating our banana splits during the last week of school.

Reading Celebration
Our goal is to have 1 more reading goal celebration before the end of the year. We need 220 more books (or 22 more reading records) to meet this goal. Please keep reading at home!

Ask your child about:

Picture walks and connections, “What a Shame!”, subtraction strategies, and animal and plant habitats.