Monday, November 3, 2008

November Already!

I can't believe it is November already. Have you started your Christmas shopping? I wanted to thank all of you for taking your time to support your child's education by coming to our parent/teacher conference last week. I always enjoy talking with each of you and telling you how wonderful your child is!! Please let me know if you have any questions after you left our conference. A couple of items of interest coming up:

Fund Raiser Items: If you purchased items from the school fund raiser, they will be here at the school to pick up next Tuesday, the 11th, from 3:00-6:00.

Veteran's Day Assembly: Willard East will have our annual Veteran's Day Assembly next Tuesday, November 11th at 10:00. Please let me know if you have a veteran in your family you would like recognized at the assembly. There will be a light breakfast for the veterans that morning and Lifetouch photography will be here to take the veterans' pictures. Also, in honor of our veterans, let's all try to wear red/white/and blue on the 11th.

Willard East Presidential Elections: Willard East will have a mock presidential election on Tuesday, November 4th. Each student has filled out a voter's registration form and will be allowed to cast their vote for our next President. Make sure you don't forget to vote that day also.

Hats Off For Community Service: Willard East will have it's first Hats Off day this Friday, November 7th. The first Friday of each month, the students may pay 25 cents to wear a hat all day. The money raised will go toward a community service project for that month. This month's money is going to pay for veteran's recognition items. Bring your favorite hat and a quarter to help out our community.

Finally, Ask Your Child About: reading strategies, adding quick strategies, the 5 vowels (and their story and song), the book Jen the Hen, and our pumpkin estimations.

Thanks again for the great conversations at conferences. Have a great week, and don't forget to vote (and Christmas shop).